Tekpoint GMBH

Tekpoint GMBH is a gsmExchange member since 2006 and a premium member since 2006.

We are an international distributor / wholesaler for smartphones, smartwatches and ECO system products based in Vienna, Austria.

We deliver products to our corporate customers all over the world.

Our customers benefit from a profound expertise, trade experience, broad geographical reach and of course the most competitive prices. Our business knowledge allows us to face challenging problems and find innovative solutions. Our services include worldwide delivery, fully insured shipments, a time sensitive transport organization, pre-booking orders and shipments “on hold”.

Living its vision of business excellence, our name stands for best practice in daily business operations and guarantees:

  • Fast payment processing
  • Punctual delivery
  • Competitive prices
  • Professional transactions

Deep knowledge of the major markets throughout the world, including Central and Eastern Europe, USA, Hong Kong, China, Singapore, UAE, South America and Africa provide a unique opportunity to our clients.

The location in Vienna enables us to take advantage of a highly developed Austrian infrastructure at the heart of the European Union. The international airport connects us to every globally important market and/or destination.

Our operations are guided by the strong belief in excellence, innovation and state of the art approaches. In order to achieve the highest standards throughout our value chain we are partnering only with world class service providers:
UPSDHLDeloitteCreditreformEuler Hermes

The concentration on core competences combined with flexibility and an addiction to innovation, enables us to compete effectively in today’s dynamic global markets.

We always hold large stocks ready to ship additionally leveraging the availability of products through our extensive network. This makes our company best prepared to meet the challenging needs of international corporate customers.

Our ultimate target is to support the success of local distributors for mobile phones, smartphones and consumer electronics by increasing their national competitiveness. We provide access to the world’s best products at the right time and at the most competitive price.


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